Cost Controls Matter

Costs matter. A large portion of project management is spent on managing budgets and controlling costs. And that only makes sense. Imagining a successful project without closely managing these dollar signs is a stretch to say the least. That’s why Trimble Prolog has the industry’s most comprehensive and robust cost management toolkit centrally integrated into the application. Trimble understands that you can’t manage a project without managing costs.

Trimble Prolog allows you to manage each and every element of your project cost structure, in one single unified database and location. From the initial creation of the schedule of values and project budget, through cost changes such as potential change orders, Prolog will keep your project on track, and on budget. And because cost controls is part of the DNA of Prolog, you can easily see budget impacts and current progress through any number of reporting and dashboard elements whether you’re using a mobile device, web browser, or even the traditional client application.

To see Trimble Prolog Cost Controls in action, simply reach out to your BuildingPoint representative, or simply click the link below.