Making A List

Today’s powerful field computers, such as the Trimble Kenai, offer amazing capabilities when it comes to viewing models and linework on the job site. It’s undeniable that there is real benefit to being able to push in and out of 3D geometry and understand where elements and points reside. But sometimes, you just need to have a list in front of you.

With the Points Manager within Trimble Field Link, you are presented with the most simplistic and straightforward organization of your dataset. You have a list of points, and you can navigate to them for layout or QA/QC. This method of onsite navigation is preferable when you’re on a large project, or you are working with one particular discipline or system within a larger points data set.

Points Manager allows you to quickly organize and filter your points right there in the field, showing you only the points that you want to see. These filters easily match the project and plan parameters, so you can sort by layer, by level, or any other combination. This way, you can focus on the work you have to do, without scrolling or panning around the site.

Points Manager is included within the 3D Feature Pack of Trimble Field Link. To learn more, or to see this feature first-hand on your project, simply click the link below, or contact your BuildingPoint representative today.