Pull Planning Made Easy

Scheduling is imperative to a project. So is lookahead planning. When the two work in unison, a smooth running project is likely to follow. While scheduling is typically commenced well before a project begins, and contains a number of fixed milestones, project planning tends to be much more dynamic, whether your organization prefers a 2, 4, or 6 week lookahead.
Over the past decade, lean principles have forever changed the way that contractors build buildings. At the center of this revolution has been the concepts of iterative collaboration and ownership. By maintaining a constant dialog throughout the ongoing planning and lookahead process, and by bringing all project stakeholders into the discussion, contractors are able to consistently improve delivery schedules and hit milestones with confidence.
Trimble LeanSight is designed to help contractors in this specific area. Trimble LeanSight doesn’t replace the planning meeting or the wall of sticky notes, but rather it brings simple and easy to use collaborative technology to this integral part of the modern building process. With Trimble LeanSight you can quickly and easily digitize, manage and monitor your lookahead plan with a easy to use interface that allows both office and field managers to spend less time worrying about planning, and more time building.
To learn more about Trimble LeanSight, to see a quick live demo, or to grab a free account to get started, simply click the link below, or contact your local BuildingPoint representative today.